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Forest Experiences

"Into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul"

John Muir

Listening to birdsong, a babbling brook or the sound of the wind travelling through the leafy tree canopy can have an impact on our brains. How? By taking our focus outwards and being less engaged with our own internal dialogue and thoughts, these natural distractions can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Research conducted by the University of Edinburgh asked individuals to spend an extra couple of hours outdoors per week, somewhere green. After 3 weeks, there were noticeable improvements in levels of the stress hormone Cortisol plus a 30% drop in perceived stress levels.

Come and join Way of the Wild for the day, in a beautiful privately owned woodland, near the coastal village of Garlieston, in stunning South-West Scotland. Whether you want to learn some Bushcraft skills, or just spend sometime around a fire, crafting dreamcatchers. Way of the Wild's Forest Reconnection Experiences offer something for everyone. Bespoke Corporate Teambuilding events available on request, just get in touch.

Phone: 07740354554


Sorbie, Newton Stewart. Dumfries & Galloway


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